Employment Resources for the Visually Impaired

( Results may vary depending on your area )

I Googled jobs for the visually impaired, and the jobs that were available were extensive. I couldn't believe the results: bus drivers, Undertaker, Uber, and Lyft Drivers, just to name a few. Obviously, Google wasn't the place to search, or I wasn't asking the right question.

I noticed Indeed as a job search website and clicked on it. There were several job opportunities in my areas, and I had plenty of cross-over skills, like customer relations, but there were more skills I didn't have.

Another job source was Linkedin. This source was valuable. It provides online classes for the skills I need. At the end of each class, you pass a test and get a certificate you can use on your resume. I spent hours building up my office certificates. I even started sending my resume to potential employers who used their website.

Once again, I used Google to search for jobs, but this time, I searched "job training for the visually impaired." A friend had mentioned a website, and I saw it in this search: The Department of Rehabilitation. This page proved to be invaluable. They work with people of all disabilities and provide job training, counselor independent living skills, peer support, skill development, systems advocacy, referrals, assistive technology, transition, housing, and personal assistance services.

The National Industries for the Blind (NIB) is another excellent source of employment




Remember, you're visually impaired, but you're still valuable.

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